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The Importance of Regular Waste Collections for Businesses

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The Importance of Regular Waste Collections for Businesses

We’re all used to regular, scheduled waste collections at our homes. For many of us, that might be general waste one week with the recycling bin and perhaps garden waste the next. Without that knowledge, we might easily miss a collection, our bins could overflow and the whole area could end up smelling of rotting food – and no one would like that. 

Many of the reasons that we know regular domestic waste collections are a good idea can be applied equally to waste collections from commercial premises – but with a few extras as well. This month, we’re taking a look at some of the reasons your business should be arranging for regular waste collection from your premises.

recycling bins in a office


It stops the buildup of waste

It doesn’t get any more basic than this! Waiting until the bins are full – or worse – before doing anything about it is just asking for trouble. When we’re busy, it’s easy for us to forget about things or to put things off for another day if we can. Regular collections mean that the amount of waste on your premises is unlikely to get out of control, so making sure your waste collection is all arranged in advance is the best way to stay on top of it. Also, it’s nearly always going to be quicker and more efficient to clean up small quantities of waste regularly than to create one huge job.


It’s better for the environment

Many kinds of waste can create an environmental hazard if left to stand around for weeks on end. Even if your waste is something that won’t go off, it could still create a place for all kinds of pests and vermin to thrive, especially rats. 


It makes for a better working environment

Your staff won’t feel good about coming into work knowing that it’s going to be messy, smelly and possibly even unsafe. A clean working environment allows work to be carried out more efficiently, is good for productivity, makes for a more positive atmosphere, enhances staff wellbeing and morale, reduces the potential for illness, creates a good impression with customers and visitors, and makes for a safer workplace. 


It helps you manage your workflow

If you know when your waste is being collected, you can arrange elements of your work around it. For example, if you know that your waste is being collected on Wednesday, and you have a task needing doing that is going to create greater than usual amounts of waste, it makes sense to do it on a Tuesday rather than a Thursday. Get that right and you, your staff and your business can more often enjoy all those benefits a better working environment brings.


If regular waste collections could benefit your business, you need to talk to the team at CSH Environmental. Operating across Colchester, Chelmsford, Ipswich and their surrounding areas, we’re leading waste management professionals able to collect and recycle or safely dispose of all your commercial waste, including hazardous waste collection, food waste collection, glass collection, paper and cardboard recycling and much more.

Get in touch with us now to find out more.

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