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Conditions of agreement

Terms & Conditions

The CSH Enviromental Conditions of Agreement are as follows:

  1. The Hirers shall during the continuance of the hiring pay to the Owner without previous demand by way of the sum as shown overleaf such payments to be made as set out overleaf.
  2. The Owner has the right to change the sum overleaf by giving 30 days’ notice.
  3. The Hire shall duly and punctually pay all rent, rates, taxes and outgoings payable by the Hirer in respect of the premises where the container is installed and protect the Owner against any distress execution or seizure of the machine and indemnify the Owner against any losses costs charged damages and expenses incurred by the Owner by reason or in respect thereof.
  4. The Hirer shall permit the Owner his servants and agents at all reasonable times to have access to the container for the purpose of inspection or repair.
  5. The Owner may affix or caused to be affixed on the container or any part thereof such plates or other marks indicating that the container is the property of the Owner as the Owner may think fit and the Hire shall allow such plates or marks to remain as affixed and shall not obliterate deface or cover up the same and the Owner shall at all reasonable times have access to the container for the purpose of inspecting such plates or marks and keeping the same in repair.
  6. The Owner may determine the hiring at any time without notice.(a) Upon the Hirer making default in the punctual payment of the rent.

    (b) On the making of a receiving order in bankruptcy against the Hirer calling a meeting of his creditors or executing any assignment for their benefit

    (c) Upon the Hirer going into liquidation whether voluntary or compulsory except for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation or suffers a receiver to be appointed of any of its assets.

    (d) Upon any execution or distress being levied upon the Hirer (and not satisfied within 7 days) and in any such case the Owner may retake possession of the container and for this purpose may enter upon the premises where the container is installed and such determination by the owner shall not affect the right to recover any money due at the time as such determination or to recover damages for any breach of this agreement bre such determination.

  7. I no circumstances shall the owner be liable for any loss of profit, business or production or any similar loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential howsoever caused.
  8. The term of this contract shall be for the minimum period of hire specified in the rental agreement commencing from the date of installation (the original terms) and shall continue thereafter in accordance with its terms subject to the right of either party to give to the other three months’ notice in writing to expire on or after the end of the original terms.
  9. The Hirer may prematurely terminate this contract or the hiring hereunder at any time on giving notice in writing to the company and on payment of all money due together with a sum of equal 50% of the total of all future instalments of rent which would have been payable under this contract had it continued until the end of the original term. The said sum shall be payable as liquidated damages and not by way of penalty, it being an agreed estimate on the loss the company would suffer.
  10. Customers warrant either:-
    • (a) That the waste material is of such a nature the regulations issued by the Secretary of State under the Deposit of Poisonous Waste Act. 1972 (hereinafter called the Act) in force on the date of the removal of each loaded container exempt the waste material being removed from the provisions of the Act or
    • (b) That the required notice has been served under the provisions of Section 3 (1) of the Act on he required authority in the form required by Section 3 (2) of the Act covering removal of each loaded container.
  11. Customer requesting or ordering vehicles delivering or collecting vehicles to leave the Public Highway the owner will not accept liability for any damage caused.
  12. Customer shall reimburse us in respect of any loss or damage to the containers whilst on hire to them form whatsoever cause the same may arise (fair wear and tear excepted). Customer shall also fully indemnify us in respect of any claim for injuries to persons or property arising out of the use of the containers whilst on hire to them howsoever the same may be caused to arise and in particular customers undertake
    • (a) NOT TO LIGHT FIRES in the containers nor to burn anything therein
    • (b) Not to place any corrosive acid or noxious substance nor liquid cement or concrete in the container
    • (c) To ensure that the container is not filled above the level of the sides thereof
    • (d) To pay all the extra expense and costs including possibly a new container which may result from non-observance of the above. Overloaded containers will not be removed until excess have been unloaded at the customer’s liability.
  13. Customers should ensure the safe loading of materials into containers. The owner has the right to refuse to collect/Empty the container due to overloading. No waste will be collected if outside the container unless instructed in writing by the customer.
  14. All date and times quoted for delivery and/or collection of containers are approximate only and we shall not be liable for any direct or consequent loss or damage occurring as a result of late delivery or collection.
  15. Hazardous waste including asbestos. No hazardous or toxic substance to be placed in the container without prior notification. Any cost incurred for the disposal of any such substances will remain the responsibility of the customer.
  16. Gas bottles and Tyres are subject to a surcharge.
  17. Wasted journey charges may apply for abortive trips.

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